Code Buster

The official opinion of Thomas Bates

Firefox doesn't display video fullscreen

Firefox doesn’t display video fullscreen if parent has transform-style.

Found this interesting bug in Firefox the other day when working with the HTML5 video tag. and the bug report contained therein .

Nest the video tag inside a parent that has the CSS transform-style attribute applied. The video will play, but when you decide to go fullscreen you’ll be presented with an undesirable experience.

		<div style="transform-style: preserve-3d;">
			<video controls="" preload="none">
				<source src="" type="video/webm">

My specific scenario wasn’t exactly worded the way its in the Stackoverflow question or the bug report, but I could recreate the issue by applying transform-style: preserve-3d to a parent element.

I ultimately decided on a javascript enhanced hack to workaround this issue. For Firefox, I removed the controls from the video and added a “Fullscreen” button next to the video. When the user clicks the new fullscreen button I clone the video element out to the body and request fullscreen on the cloned element.